An earthwork and paving contractor digs, moves, and places material forming the surface of the earth, other than water, in such manner that a cut, fill, excavation, grade, trench, backfill or tunnel (if incidental thereto) can be executed, including the use of explosive for these purposes. This classification includes the mixing, fabricating and placing of paving and any other surfacing materials.
Excavation & Grading Handbook, Revised, by Nicholas Capachi is an essential part of the Earthwork and Paving course. The Handbook and the accompanying Excavation and Grading lecture contain vital information for passing the State exam.
The Earthwork and Paving Manual briefly covers the major topics of the State exam including Estimating Quantities and summaries of CALTRANS Standard Specifications. The last section of the Earthwork and Paving Manual covers the Health and Safety Orders.
The Math Review Lecture covers the first part of the Earthwork and Paving manual which is on Math. The Health and Safety Lecture covers the Health and Safety Orders at the end of the Earthwork and Paving manual.