A boiler, hot water heating and steam fitting contractor installs, services and repairs power boiler installations, hot water heating systems and steam fitting, including fire tube and water tube steel power boilers and hot water heating low pressure boilers, steam fitting and piping, fitting, valves, gauges, pumps, radiators, convectors, fuel oil tanks, fuel oil lines, chimneys, flues, heat insulation and all other equipment, including solar heating equipment, associated with these systems.
Course Description
The Boiler, Hot-Water Heating, and Steam Fitting Manual brieflky covers the major topics of the State exam including Boilers, Piping Systems, Linear Expansion, Safety Valves, and Welding. The last section of the Boiler, Hot-Water Heating, and Steam Fitting Manual covers the Health and Safety Orders.
The Math Review Lecture covers the first part of the Boiler, Hot-Water Heating, and Steam Fitting manual which is on Math. The Health and Safety Lecture covers the Health and Safety Orders at the end of the Boiler, Hot-Water Heating, and Steam Fitting manual.