The information contained below is designed to provide a summary of the minimum education, experience, and examination requirements established by the Wisconsin Real Estate Appraiser Board The information provided below can be found on the Board's website. However, we recommend you contact the Appraisal Board for more detailed information and for any changes which may have occurred.
To Get A Wisconsin Appraisal License, a person must:
Licensed Appraiser: Completion of program of study for licensed appraisers of at least 90 hours of instruction covering topics indicated in Wis. Admin. Code, RL 84.04 and Chapter 458 of the Wisconsin Statutes. Completion of 500 hours of appraisal experience
Certified Residential Appraiser: Completion of a program of study for certified residential appraisers of at least 120 hours of instruction covering topics indicated in Wis Admin. Code, RL 84.02. Completion 2,500 hours of appraisal experience in not less than 24 months
Certified General Appraiser: Completion of a program of study for certified general appraisers of at least 180 hours of instruction covering topics indicated in Wis. Admin Code, 84.03. Completion of 3,000 hours of appraisal experience in not less than 30 months, of which no more than 50% can be residential appraisal experience.
Convictions and Pending Charges: Convictions of crimes or pending charges may be grounds for denial of license if the circumstances of the conviction or charge are substantially related to professional practice.
Federal Regulations:
Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP)
The Appraisal Foundation
1029 Vermont Avenue
NW, Suite 900
Washington, DC 20005
Telephone: (202) 347-7722
Wisconsin Department Contact:
Business & Design Professions - Appraiser
Department of Regulation and Licensing
1400 East Washington Avenue
PO BOX: 8935
Madison, WI 53708-8935
Telephone: (608) 266-5511
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