The information contained in below is designed to provide a summary of the minimum education, experience and examination requirements established by the Tennessee Real Estate Appraiser Board. The information can be found in the Tennessee Statutes and Rules and Regulations. However, we recommend that you contact the Appraisal Board for more detailed information.
Four Categories of Appraisers in Tennessee
To Be Eligible for Licensure/Certification, a person must:
Each level must successfully complete the specified hours of approved real estate appraisal courses for each level of licensure, which includes at least 15 hours on the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP). The specified hours are:
45 hours for the Registered Trainee classification. These hours must include a t least 30 hours in basic appraisal principles.
90 hours for the Licensed Appraiser classification. These hours must include a t least 30 hours in basic appraisal principles.
120 hours for the Certified Residential Appraiser classification. These hours must include a t least 30 hours in basic appraisal principles.
180 hours for the Certified General Appraiser classification. These hours must include a t least 30 hours in basic appraisal principles and 30 hours in an income course.
License/Certificate Renewal :
Licenses expire every two years from the date of licensure. A completed renewal application, accompanied by the required fee and documentation of the required continuing education hours, must be submitted to the Board.
Continuing Education Requirements :
All licensed/certified appraisers in the State of Tennessee are required to have 28 hours of continuing education every renewal period. Appraisers are allowed a maximum of 7 hours continuing education credit for approved online courses every renewal period. A course may only be taken for continuing education credit once every 5 years. This includes courses with substantially similar subject matter, whether or not the course has the same name. An exception to this policy is the USPAP course. Licensees may obtain continuing education credit for a USPAP course taken more than once, provided that the licensee takes the course no more than one (1) time during the two (2) year renewal cycle. Because all continuing education needs to be received in this office 30 days prior to an appraiser's expiration date, any continuing education taken within that 30-day window that was not used towards the current renewal period may be held and credited towards the appraiser's next renewal period.
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