The information contained below is designed to provide a summary of the minimum education, experience and examination requirements established by the Kansas Real Estate Appraisal Board.
Four Categories of Appraisers in Kansas:
To be Eligible for Licensure, a person must:
Each level must successfully complete the specified hours of approved real estate appraisal courses for each level of licensure, which includes at least 15 hours on the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP). The specified hours are:
90 hours for the Provisional Real Property Appraiser classification.
90 hours for the Licensed Real Property Appraiser classification. The classroom hours required for the licensed real estate appraiser may include the classroom hours required for the appraiser trainee. These hours must include 30 hours of basic real estate appraisal principles and/or procedures and 45 additional hours of Board approved topics.
120 hours for the Certified Residential Real Property Appraiser classification. The classroom hours required for the certified residential real estate appraiser may include the classroom hours required for the appraiser trainee or the licensed real estate appraiser. These hours must include 30 hours in appraisal principles or higher level, 30 hours in residential appraisal procedure, practice, application, and 15 hours in appraisal report writing or single property form preparation.
180 hours for the Certified General Real Property Appraiser classification. The classroom hours required for the certified general real estate appraiser may include the classroom hours required for the appraiser trainee, the licensed residential real estate appraiser, or the certified residential real estate appraiser. These hours must include 30 hours in appraisal principles or higher level, 30 hours in non-residential appraisal procedure, practice, application, 30 hours in income property valuation, and 15 hours in advanced narrative report writing.
All experience must be supported by documentation on forms provided by the Board.
License Renewal:
Licenses expire on the third year from the initial date of licensure or certification. Renewals are for a three year period.
Continuing Education Requirements:
As a prerequisite of renewal of certification, an appraiser shall present evidence satisfactory to the Board of having met the continuing education requirements. The continuing education requirements for a renewal are the completion of the equivalent of 14 hours of instruction. A three year total of 42 hours of continuing education hours may be averaged over each three year renewal period. As a part of the hour requirement, the applicant must complete a minimum of 7 hours of instruction covering USPAP every renewal period.
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