The information contained below is designed to provide a summary of the minimum education, experience and examination requirements established by the Connecticut Real Estate Appraiser Commission The information provided below can be found in the State of Connecticut Real Estate Appraisal Statutes and Regulations (March 2003). However, we recommend you contact the Real Estate Appraisal Commission for more detailed information and for any changes which may occur in the Statutes and Regulations.
Licensure categories and scope of practice
The following categories of appraiser licensure are established:
The scope of practice for each category is as follows:
Provisional licensed appraisers
No person shall be a state provisional licensed appraiser for more than a total of four (4) years, except that under circumstances of bona fide personal or physical hardship or other good cause, the commission may allow additional time on a case by case basis. Such four (4) year total shall not include any period for which the proposed appraiser has given the commission earliest reasonable written notice of complete suspension of appraisal activity in Connecticut. A provisional licensed appraiser may have more than one supervising appraiser. All provisional licensed appraisers shall file with the commission a notification prior to beginning and at the termination of their employment by each supervising appraiser.
Application for licensure
State certified general appraiser: Each applicant for a general certification shall prove to the satisfaction of the commission that he has met the following examination, education, and experience requirements:
State certified residential appraiser: Each applicant for a residential certification shall prove to the satisfaction of the commission that he has met the following examination, education, and experience requirements: * Successful completion of the required State examination; * As a prerequisite to sit for the examination, either successful completion of courses approved by the commission totaling at least one hundred and twenty (120) classroom hours of study or proof of education deemed by the commission to be equivalent to such classroom courses. These hours must include a minimum of one course on the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) consisting of at least fifteen (15) classroom hours, with examination, that has been successfully completed within the six (6) year period preceding the date of the application; and As a prerequisite to sit for the State examination, either two thousand five hundred (2,500) hours of appraisal experience obtained during no fewer than 24 months, as defined in this subdivision, or equivalent experience as determined by the commission.
State provisional licensed appraiser: Each applicant for a provisional license shall, before being granted such provisional license, prove to the satisfaction of the commission that he has met one of the following education requirements:
State Examination
In order to determine the competency of any applicant for an appraiser's certification or license, each such applicant is required to successfully complete a written State examination as to his competency to act as an appraiser in the category for which he is applying. Such examination shall be prepared by the Department of Consumer Protection or by a national testing service designated by the Commissioner of Consumer Protection. The State examination will be administered to applicants by the Department of Consumer Protection or by such testing service at such times and places as said Commissioner may deem necessary. The state exam will be consistent with guidelines established by the Appraisal Qualifications Board of the Appraisal Foundation. A passing score of at least seventy-five (75) per cent of the maximum possible score on the State examination shall be attained by an applicant in order to pass the personal written examination for the appraiser's certification or license given by the Department of Consumer Protection or national testing service.
Licensure renewal
Persons certified, licensed, limited or provisionally licensed in accordance with Chapter 400g of the Connecticut General Statutes shall fulfill a continuing education requirement and such other requirements that may be specified in this section. Applicants for such annual renewal certification, license, limited license or provisional license shall, in addition to the other requirements imposed by Section 20-517 of the Connecticut General Statutes, submit proof of compliance with the requirements of this section to the commission.
The continuing education requirement shall be satisfied by:
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