#2: 90 Hour Appraisal Prelicense Package
package meets the full 90-hour education requirement for real
estate appraiser license which includes the 15-hour Uniform Standards
of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) requirement. The package
includes the 75 Hour Qualifying Course for Licensure and the 15
Hour USPAP course. The 75 hour course focuses on the basic principles
and practices of appraisal. The USPAP course will cover the history,
purpose and structure, how some terms are defined and used, and
the rules of USPAP.
improvement analysis.
75 Hour Appraisal Prelicense Package
package meets the full 75-hour education requirement for real
estate appraiser license which includes the 15-hour Uniform Standards
of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) requirement. The package
includes the 60 Hour Qualifying Course for Licensure and the 15
Hour USPAP course. The 60 hour course focuses on the basic principles
and practices of appraisal. The USPAP course will cover the history,
purpose and structure, how some terms are defined and used, and
the rules of USPAP.
CompuTaught National USPAP Course Equivalent (2005 Edition)
This course is
appropriate for students who are interested in receiving the mandatory
15-hours of Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practices
(USPAP) qualifying education credit. The purpose of this course
is to provide students with knowledge and understanding of USPAP.
It covers the history, purpose and structure, how some terms are
defined and used, and the rules of USPAP. It also covers the relevant
statements and advisory opinions. The required reference material
will be provided online which includes; the USPAP 2005 Edition
and the National USPAP 15 - Hour Course Student Manual.
HUD/FHA Exam Prep.
$49 (ecopy)
Downloadble & Printable

new requirement for FHA appraisers is that you must be on the
FHA Register list. To be eligible for placement on the FHA Register
you must be a licensed or certified appraiser, pass the HUD/FHA
National Appraiser Examination, and file an application with HUD.
package includes thefollowing:
1. Full test banks of HUD/FHA test with multiple choice answers.
2. Answers and Rationales to each question plus page reference
to the FHA manuals.
3 .Complete FHA Manual (178 pages). (ecopy)
HUD/FHA Exam Prep.
$59 (paper version)

new requirement for FHA appraisers is that you must be on the
FHA Register list. To be eligible for placement on the FHA Register,
you must be a licensed or certified appraiser, pass the HUD/FHA
National Appraiser Examination, and file an application with HUD.
package includes thefollowing:
1. Full test banks of HUD/FHA test with multiple choice answers.
2. Answers and Rationales to each question plus page reference
to the FHA manuals.
3 .Complete FHA Manual (178 pages). (ecopy)
Trainee/Full License State Exam Prep. Crash Course

have the most up to date State Exam questions. There are two volumes
of exam prep.
1 are exam questions organized by topics. There are about 22 topics.
These questions are related to state exam topic matrix.
Volume 2 has about 8 sets of exam practice simulating drilled
exams. All questions come with answer key and rationale. We are
confident you will pass the state exam first time. Guaranteed
Passing or your money back.
Certified Residential License State Exam Prep. Crash Course

our Online Course to prepare you for the State License Exam Preparation.
Questions are interactive with answers key and rationales. Questions
are organized by topics and 10 sets of drill exams. Unlimited
practice for 6 months.
Guaranteed Passing or your money back.
Certified General License State Exam Prep. Crash Course

have the most up to date State Exam questions. There are 10 sets
of drill exams, each with 100 Questions. All questions come with
answer key and rationale. We are confident you will pass the state
exam first time. Guaranteed Passing or your money back.
USPAP Primer & FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) - Lee Hess,

publication is an excellent reference tool for entry level appraisers
and users of appraisal services. It includes two parts, the USPAP
Pimer and Introduction and Overview on the USPAP plus the second
part around 200 frequently asked questions (FAQs) and answers
regarding USPAP. These FAQs are opinions of the author Dr. Lee
Hess, who is a Certified General Appraiser and Instructor and
holds AQB Certified USPAP Instructor certification.